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Enter orbit = first date

Landing on earth = second date

Equations & numbers = dates

Clues drop almost each day until first date. “What” is dropping is included in the clues.

The clues are in plain sight…


Morse Code 1: -. .- ..- --. .... - -.-- -..- -. .- - ..- .-. . -- ..- ... .. -.-. ...- .. -.. . ---

Clue #3

!NEEUQ CIMSOC EHT MA I ,X LEDOM MA I ,AVE MA I .etelpmoc si noitamrofsnart ehT .em gnicneulfni ,lortnoc gnikat si gnihtemos ,enoemos ekiL .flesym ekil leef tnod I

Puzzle piece #3 (Images 4/6]